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Know your finish time before the start line

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Runners love Kaizen

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Race prediction accuracy

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Race prediction accuracy

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App Store rating

  • Kaizen has been a game-changer for my running! Its race time predictions from 5km to marathon distances were spot-on, giving me confidence in my goals. The ability to train using the app’s training load feature has been invaluable, helping me improve my fitness while avoiding injuries. Highly recommend it to runners of all levels!!

    Chris Powell

    Chris Powell

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    2:28:50 Marathoner

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  • Kaizen hovered around 2:51 a week out from marathon, came in at 2:54:42 on a very windy day on quite hilly course so allowing for that I think prediction quite close and will use again for next one. Cheers!



    strava icon

    2:54:42 Marathoner

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  • Kaizen team - I just want to thank you all for a fantastic job. I ran CIM yesterday at almost the exact prediction from the app, 1:39 under to be exact, which checks out considering the net loss of elevation. The confidence I will have going into my next race will be in large part to the trust in the work you all are doing here. Keep it up. Amazing work

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  • Followed the app for my 16 week block on the road to the Amsterdam Marathon with a set goal of a 4hr 11min marathon, I successfully achieved well in advance of it with a 3hr 41min result. Absolutely delighted with it! Kaizen helped greatly in getting me in the groove and fitness to smash it!

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  • Kaizen hovered around 2:51 a week out from marathon, came in at 2:54:42 on a very windy day on quite hilly course so allowing for that I think prediction quite close and will use again for next one. Cheers!

    Justin Hurt

    Justin Hurt

    strava icon

    2:54:42 Marathoner

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  • This app has surprisingly become my go-to and main driver of training load to gauge and improve fitness gradually.

    Rui Nogueiro

    Rui Nogueiro

    strava icon

    36:10 10km

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  • Having followed the app for my 16 week block on the road to the Amsterdam Marathon with a set goal of a 4hr 11min marathon, I successfully achieved well in advance of it with a 3hr 41min result. Absolutely delighted with it! Kaizen helped greatly in getting me in the groove and fitness to smash it!

    Stephen Murdoch

    Stephen Murdoch

    strava icon

    3:41:00 Marathoner

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Questions? Answers.

Questions? Answers.

Kaizen's race predictions are accurate for 93% of races to within 5s/km. The predictions are best used as pacing guidance and feedback about how your fitness is progressing.

Kaizen's predictions are for a ‘best case’ scenario. This means that to match (or beat) your race prediction you’ll need to race:

- at maximum effort

- on a flat road

- with good pacing

- in good weather

How accurate are Kaizen's race predictions?

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Endurance running performance is dictated by the overall training load that the athlete experiences in the months leading up to a race.

Based on this principle, Kaizen aggregates a range of training data to predict race fitness, including training distance, average pace, elevation and cross training.

The most important of these factors are distance and average pace. Cross training and elevation do factor in, but their impact on race performance is relatively small compared with distance and average pace (assuming the race is held on a relatively flat course).

How are race predictions calculated?

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As Kaizen calculates overall training load in order to predict race fitness, it can also calculate the training load required for an athlete to get from their current fitness to their goal fitness.

For instance, if an athlete is in 3hr marathon shape, and has aspirations of running 2:50 in 6 weeks' time, Kaizen calculates the training load the the athlete has to achieve in that period to be in 2:50 shape.

For most athletes, this means increasing training load from their current level, so Kaizen increases the training load target week after week to gradually get the athlete training harder, rather than making a significant jump, which could cause injury.

How does Kaizen's training system work?

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No. You can achieve the set training load to improve your race predictions however you like. Whether it's jogging 100% of the time, or mixing it up with more structured training. The important thing is to listen to your body and gain an understanding of what works for you.

The most important thing is to be consistent, so your training should be in service of that need for consistency.

Do I need to polarise my training or include specific interval sessions?

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Absolutely. A running coach can be really useful to provide guidance from a human standpoint on everything training-wise, including providing you with a tailored training plan.

Kaizen can complement the coach to add a data-driven angle to your training and ensure that the training load you're achieving is in line with your running ambitions.

Can I use Kaizen and work with a coach at the same time?

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Currently, you can train for 5k, 10k, half marathon and marathon races using Kaizen.

In the future, Kaizen will be able to support custom distances from 3k to 50k.

What race distances does Kaizen support?

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Even if you aren't training for a race, you can use Kaizen to continue training with an improve plan. You can pull back or dial up your trianing, depending on whether you want to maintain fitness or max out.

Do I need to have an upcoming race to use Kaizen?

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Kaizen's race predictions are accurate for 93% of races to within 5s/km. The predictions are best used as pacing guidance and feedback about how your fitness is progressing.

Kaizen's predictions are for a ‘best case’ scenario. This means that to match (or beat) your race prediction you’ll need to race:

- at maximum effort

- on a flat road

- with good pacing

- in good weather

How accurate are Kaizen's race predictions?

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Endurance running performance is dictated by the overall training load that the athlete experiences in the months leading up to a race.

Based on this principle, Kaizen aggregates a range of training data to predict race fitness, including training distance, average pace, elevation and cross training.

The most important of these factors are distance and average pace. Cross training and elevation do factor in, but their impact on race performance is relatively small compared with distance and average pace (assuming the race is held on a relatively flat course).

How are race predictions calculated?

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As Kaizen calculates overall training load in order to predict race fitness, it can also calculate the training load required for an athlete to get from their current fitness to their goal fitness.

For instance, if an athlete is in 3hr marathon shape, and has aspirations of running 2:50 in 6 weeks' time, Kaizen calculates the training load the the athlete has to achieve in that period to be in 2:50 shape.

For most athletes, this means increasing training load from their current level, so Kaizen increases the training load target week after week to gradually get the athlete training harder, rather than making a significant jump, which could cause injury.

How does Kaizen's training system work?

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No. You can achieve the set training load to improve your race predictions however you like. Whether it's jogging 100% of the time, or mixing it up with more structured training. The important thing is to listen to your body and gain an understanding of what works for you.

The most important thing is to be consistent, so your training should be in service of that need for consistency.

Do I need to polarise my training or include specific interval sessions?

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Absolutely. A running coach can be really useful to provide guidance from a human standpoint on everything training-wise, including providing you with a tailored training plan.

Kaizen can complement the coach to add a data-driven angle to your training and ensure that the training load you're achieving is in line with your running ambitions.

Can I use Kaizen and work with a coach at the same time?

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Currently, you can train for 5k, 10k, half marathon and marathon races using Kaizen.

In the future, Kaizen will be able to support custom distances from 3k to 50k.

What race distances does Kaizen support?

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Even if you aren't training for a race, you can use Kaizen to continue training with an improve plan. You can pull back or dial up your trianing, depending on whether you want to maintain fitness or max out.

Do I need to have an upcoming race to use Kaizen?

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Kaizen's race predictions are accurate for 93% of races to within 5s/km. The predictions are best used as pacing guidance and feedback about how your fitness is progressing.

Kaizen's predictions are for a ‘best case’ scenario. This means that to match (or beat) your race prediction you’ll need to race:

- at maximum effort

- on a flat road

- with good pacing

- in good weather

How accurate are Kaizen's race predictions?

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Endurance running performance is dictated by the overall training load that the athlete experiences in the months leading up to a race.

Based on this principle, Kaizen aggregates a range of training data to predict race fitness, including training distance, average pace, elevation and cross training.

The most important of these factors are distance and average pace. Cross training and elevation do factor in, but their impact on race performance is relatively small compared with distance and average pace (assuming the race is held on a relatively flat course).

How are race predictions calculated?

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As Kaizen calculates overall training load in order to predict race fitness, it can also calculate the training load required for an athlete to get from their current fitness to their goal fitness.

For instance, if an athlete is in 3hr marathon shape, and has aspirations of running 2:50 in 6 weeks' time, Kaizen calculates the training load the the athlete has to achieve in that period to be in 2:50 shape.

For most athletes, this means increasing training load from their current level, so Kaizen increases the training load target week after week to gradually get the athlete training harder, rather than making a significant jump, which could cause injury.

How does Kaizen's training system work?

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No. You can achieve the set training load to improve your race predictions however you like. Whether it's jogging 100% of the time, or mixing it up with more structured training. The important thing is to listen to your body and gain an understanding of what works for you.

The most important thing is to be consistent, so your training should be in service of that need for consistency.

Do I need to polarise my training or include specific interval sessions?

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Absolutely. A running coach can be really useful to provide guidance from a human standpoint on everything training-wise, including providing you with a tailored training plan.

Kaizen can complement the coach to add a data-driven angle to your training and ensure that the training load you're achieving is in line with your running ambitions.

Can I use Kaizen and work with a coach at the same time?

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Currently, you can train for 5k, 10k, half marathon and marathon races using Kaizen.

In the future, Kaizen will be able to support custom distances from 3k to 50k.

What race distances does Kaizen support?

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Even if you aren't training for a race, you can use Kaizen to continue training with an improve plan. You can pull back or dial up your trianing, depending on whether you want to maintain fitness or max out.

Do I need to have an upcoming race to use Kaizen?

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