How to use Kaizen

Kaizen takes a unique approach to training that lets you focus on what really matters: running consistently over time. 

The prediction

Your fitness is indicated by Kaizen’s race prediction, which has been refined over the last 10 years and can super accurately predict results for over 90% of races.

For most races Kaizen is able to predict your race pace to within 5sec/km - meaning you will know exactly what speed to run at to achieve the best possible result.

Kaizen uses a range of training information to predict your race performance, for any distance between 3k to 50k. Training distance, pace, elevation and cross training all play a part in determining how fast you’re able to race, but by far the most important of these factors are distance and pace.

Using Kaizen

Once you’ve connected your wearable and set a goal— for a 5k, 10k, half or full marathon, any other race distance, or to just improve week by week —you will be set a weekly target.

Your weekly target is calculation of three factors: distance, pace and elevation. Combined and in various ratios, they provide a great measure of training load and overall fitness.

To reach your goal, say a 2:59 marathon in 3 months, all you need to do is fill this training load target every week.

This training load target reacts to your running and will update after every run, so if you run a bit slower than the app expects, it compensates by adding a little extra distance that week. For more information read here.

Running further or running faster both increase your training load. The relationship between these data points is what enables Kaizen to be so simple, yet so effective.

Kaizen’s unbelievably accurate race prediction also updates after every run. As your training progresses, the race prediction time decreases as a result of you hitting your weekly target.

Kaizen reflects an accurate picture of your training and progress. Its simplicity keeps you motivated and realistic about achieving your running goals.

There are plenty more features so check them out!

  • Thousands of races and millions of training runs have been assessed to build the world’s most accurate race predictor. What’s more, Kaizen can make these predictions over a range of speeds and distances. There’s nothing quite like it.

  • The algorithm accurately predicts distances between 3k - 50k and across a speed range of 2:50 to 7:00min/km. So whether you’re aiming to qualify for the Olympic marathon, or completing your first 5k, Kaizen can handle everything you need.

  • The Kaizen prediction is for a ‘best case’ scenario. This means that to match (or beat) the Kaizen prediction you’ll need to race:

    • at maximum effort

    • on a flat road

    • with good pacing

    • in good weather